The only time I've done Anthrocon. I'd love to do it again. I was ill prepared because I had no idea what to even expect at a furry con and was quite intimidated, but it was an amazing experience and I had such a good time.
I opted to just do big plush here. As it was also a dealer's booth, I had a cube dedicated to things I hadn't made but no longer wanted for sale. Michael made a candy dish designed to look like a bear trap and it was great fun for everyone. Not the most detailed booth and not much product. I did do a good job making what I did, but it was lacking.
Pittsburgh itself was absolutely beautiful and I fell in love with the city. Honestly, all of Pennsylvania is quite beautiful.
Pittsburgh itself was absolutely beautiful and I fell in love with the city. Honestly, all of Pennsylvania is quite beautiful.
Everyone was so nice at this con. The atmosphere was the most family friendly one I've experience which was surprising to me. And the city loved the furries. No surprise because anthrocon brings in such revenue. I pretty much broke even at this con and it was more like a vacation for me. I didn't mind because it was so much fun and a nice break from anime cons. We also ate at the most amazing indian food restaurant while there. The city itself was magical. It's situated in the middle of a bowl of mountains. You come through a tunnel and BAM city. Pittsburgh loves its baseball, so their stadium faces the city and there's such a fun energy when there's a game. I can't wait to go back one day.